Saturday, December 3, 2016

Roll call of November’s posts:

Roll call of November’s posts:

What about the national security conflict inherent in having a Russian Obligate CEO of America, rather than a President of the United States of America? 

I don't understand why protesters don't demand answers from the FBI, sure beats protesting simply to vent anger and fear.  Be constructive, enunciate your concerns so your right-wing family members and friends and co-workers understand where we are coming from.  

They have been made scared by professional myth-makers and too few rationalists and folks who believe in Objective Facts above Personal Faith have been taking these professional paid liars to task for their non-stop transgressions that have gotten so bad that Americans are starting to believe truth doesn't even matter any more.

Index continued:  


Col. Tom Moe, US Air Force, Vietnam POW has a few words of warning for Patriotic Americans

Trump's Dangerous Rhetoric

Image Copyright Bill Mauldin 1963

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